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Lakenham Primary and Nursery School




MFL Year 6

 Around the House

In the Autumn term, we listened to a poem called Ma Maison as we learned about the furniture and rooms around the house. We found out about possessive pronouns and how they match the gender of the noun, not the person it belongs to. Also, we learned different prepositions in order to locate furniture around the house. At the end of the topic, we drew our house, or designed a new one, which we then described with French sentences. 

The visual poem Ma Maison which introduced our new topic. 



This term, the children have been learning all about hobbies. We read the book 'J'adore le foot' before discussing what things they enjoy and those that they don't. We reminded ourselves of how to conjugate regular -er verbs in the present tense with different verbs like chanter (to sing) or jouer (to play). We have recapped the days of the week in readiness for discussing things we do on specific days and what we will do in the future - a new tense which we will learn how to conjugate.