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Lakenham Primary and Nursery School




Learning Outside The Classroom EYFS

Since September 2020, we have been working on developing the space to focus children's learning.

Learning Outside the Classroom is a daily occurrence within our provision. The outdoor environment is an extension of the indoor classroom and works as the third teacher. 





19th October 2020 - Nursery have also taken part in a local walk. Following the children's interest in shopping we have adapted our home corner for the children to be able to represent their real life experiences within play. The children have been using lots of language about cost, amounts, exchanging items and turn taking. We continued to support their interest by taking our learning outside the classroom to the Co-op. We went in small groups to buy ingredients for our playdough and used real money to buy them. We talked about how to keep safe when crossing the road and making the right choices when out in the community.

