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Lakenham Primary and Nursery School




Personal, Social, Health Education - including RSE & Assemblies

Our PSHE and Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) curriculum will enable students to feel positive about who they are and to enjoy healthy, safe, responsible and fulfilled lives. RSE has a focus on the body, feelings, beliefs, relationships, rights and responsibilities, and knowing how and when to ask for help if needed. PSHE empowers children to build self-esteem, offer positive and open views, support mutual respect and celebration of self and others providing  a strong foundation to be successful in life. It also teaches them valuable life skills. For more information on the content taught please see the overview below.

Through active learning opportunities, pupils will learn to recognise and manage risk, take increasing responsibility for themselves, their choices and behaviours, and make positive contributions to their families, schools and communities.

Students will learn to recognise, develop and communicate their qualities, skills and attitudes. They will build knowledge, confidence and self-esteem and make the most of their abilities. Students will learn to identify and articulate their feelings and emotions, learn to manage new or difficult situations positively and form and maintain effective relationships with a wide range of people.

Our aim therefore for PSHE is to provide pupils with:

  • accurate and relevant knowledge
  • opportunities to turn that knowledge into personal understanding
  • opportunities to explore, clarify and, if necessary, challenge their own and others’ values, attitudes, beliefs, rights and responsibilities
  • The skills and strategies they need in order to live healthy, safe, fulfilling, responsible and balanced lives.

At Lakenham, we know that learning and undertaking activities in PSHE education contribute to achievement of the curriculum aims for all young people to become:

  • successful learners who enjoy learning, make progress and achieve
  • confident individuals who are able to live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives
  • responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society.

Requirements for the teaching of RSE 


Please see below for some useful links to support the Key Stage 2 Relationships and Sexual Education curriculum.



Curriculum Coverage

Our curriculum is planned using information from the Norfolk Educator Solutions PSHE and RSE documents.