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Lakenham Primary and Nursery School




School Council

Key Stage 1 School Councillors:

1D - Juno

1E - Mia

2F - Isaac

2G - Nancy

Lower Key Stage 2 School Councillors:

3H - Henry

3I - Alan

4J - Evie

4K - Zlata

Upper Key Stage 2 School Councillors:

5L - Lewi

5M - Luna

6N - Joseph

6O - Lilah

Why is the School Council important at Lakenham Primary School?

  • Having children from Year 1 to Year 6 in the School Council means most year groups are involved and there's more ideas to share.
  • The School Council helps promote positive role models for other children.
  • They help make decisions about what goes on in the school like the fairs, activity days and new people coming to work here.
  • It helps everyone know what is going on in the school because we can tell other people.
  • It means pupil voice, opinions and ideas are heard.
  • It makes sure children have clubs and activities that they like.
  • It gives children an opportunity to share if something isn't going well.
  • School Council helps choose and organise fundraisers for the school to do.

School Council 2023 - 2024

  • 20.10.23 Show Racism the Red Card day

 School Council 2022 - 2023

  • Big Battery Hunt - class battery collection competition to promote recycling (Autumn 2)
  • 14.10.2022 - Year 5 councillor's attended Sir David Amess Children’s Parliament via Zoom
  • 21.10.2022 - Show Racism the Red Card day
  • 18.11.2022 - Children in Need non-uniform day, quiz and donation collection
  • 18.01.2023 - A governor attended the school council meeting
  • 02.03.2023 - World Book Day
  • 17.03.2023 - Red Nose Day donation collection
  • Helping to suggest and run stalls at the Winter Wonderland and Spring Fair and discuss what went well and ideas for future events
  • Interviewing potential new staff members
  • Feeding back on the school lunch menu
  • Creating posters to help keep the school tidy e.g. tidying wellies

Sir David Amess Children’s Parliament 2022

On Friday 14th October 2022, two of our year 5 School Council members represented our school at the third Children’s Parliament event. This was a special commemorative debate held online from the main chamber of British Parliament. Deniz and Finlay said the debate was fun and that it was all about King Charles III and what he should do in the future to support young people. The first part was a discussion about mental and physical health care and the second part was about improving online safety and preventing cyber bullying.