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Lakenham Primary and Nursery School




School Uniform

All children are required to wear full school uniform every day.

All children are able to wear shorts, skirts or trousers with a polo shirt. These shirts can have a school badge or be plain. 

  • Black or grey skirt, trousers or shorts
  • White, blue (pale or navy) polo shirt

Dresses can also able to be worn with or without blue tights.

  • Blue summer dress - plain or check
  • Grey or Navy tunic dress (to wear a white or pale blue polo or T shirt under)

Dark sensible shoes or trainers. In winter boots, but with a sensible heal.

Wellington Boots are required for children, as they will be learning outside as much as possible. The only weather that will keep children inside is a thunder storm.

Book bags (which can be purchased from school office) and lunch boxes only, no backpacks.

 The uniform to choose from is as follows:

  • Navy blue or black jumper, fleece or cardigan with no advertising.
  • Black, navy or white socks or tights.
  • Headscarves should be plain navy blue or black in colour

Uniform does not have to have the embroidered school badge. However, if you would like your child to wear the labelled uniform it can be purchased at: https://www.stevensons.co.uk/ otherwise uniform can be purchased from supermarkets.

Second hand uniform is also available at school. If you are unable to afford uniform, please speak to the PSA's and they can help. The PTA also have regular bargain uniform sale sessions after school. Keep an eye out in the newsletter for dates.

Physical Education including outdoor learning

Children are required to come into school in PE Kit on PE and Outdoor learning days. See newsletter for days.

  • plain navy or black shorts or tracksuit and a white or blue T-shirt (not leggings)
  • indoor PE will be done in bare feet but children will require plain trainers for outdoor PE

All kit for PE should not have any brand names and can be brought from the supermarket.

When children are swimming, they are required to have a swimming kit in a bag.

  • Sun protection suits, one piece swimwear or swimming trunks. No bikinis.
  • A swimming hat is required for Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 as they are swimming at the Hewett. They are optional for Year 3 who swim at Riverside.
  • Goggles are encouraged to be worn but not required.
  • A towel.

For our weekly outdoor learning sessions, children need a change of footwear including wellington boots and if possible wet weather clothing. The school gained a grant to buy wet weather clothing for 50% of children, so if you can't afford this, it is ok, we will have kit.


Long hair should always be tied back and children are required to maintain a smart sensible hairstyle. Dyed or coloured, Mohicans or haircuts with images, letters etc cut into them are not permitted.


Children with pierced ears must wear studs only.  Watches may be worn, but not watches that can link to the internet, take video or record. No other jewellery is to be worn.