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Lakenham Primary and Nursery School




Year 2 Geography

 Lakenham Way: Local Geography

As a local fieldwork topic, Year 2 explored the 'Lakenham Way', a local footpath and cycle lane that follows the course of the Great Eastern Railway Line.  


 As part of their Lakenham Way local geography topic, the children were looking at maps of Norwich to learn about the features of a map.

 The children took on a mapping challenge to create a map of their local area.  This map has compass directions. 

Polar Worlds

In Year 2, the children learn about the fascinating subject of the Polar regions. They do research to discover where it is, what it is like and what creatures live there. 

The children had a real-life polar explorer come to visit them.  He showed photographs and equipment and told them about his adventures.  The children learned first-hand what it is like at the Polar regions.