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Lakenham Primary and Nursery School




Year 3 Home Learning - Autumn Term 2020

Unfortunately, from Thursday 19th November 2020 we all need to self-isolate and access learning from home. If your child has no symptoms of COVID-19 then they will be able to return to school on Monday 30th November 2020.

Teaching videos and lesson resources will be available to access on here and on Google classroom. Paper copies will also be available for collection from the school office.
Miss Plummer, Mrs Loades or Miss Roberts will be on the Year 3 Google classroom all day to respond to any questions and to support your learning from home.

Mrs Dunthorne and Mrs Kelf will also be calling families to check that you are all ok with accessing some form of home learning.

Challenges for the week

1) Art - sketching a plant, using detail


2) Enquiry - creating an Egyptian fact book

3) English - story setting


We have done so much home learning, to stop this page getting too long we have moved some here.