Year 4 Home Learning
Click the links below to access the daily activities for Year 4.
We are regularly putting activities onto these pages and also onto the classwork pages of our Google Classrooms. These activities should be sufficient to keep your child busy for a few hours a day. Remember to allow your child time to do other activities such as play, take exercise, be creative and follow their own interests and projects.
This week's flashback 4 activities for mathematics. W/C 6.7.20
This week's spelling activities for week commencing 15.6.20
This week we are looking at adjectives created by adding the suffix -ous to a root word (noun) with no change of the spelling of the root word, e.g. poison becomes poisonous.
This Week's Spellings for Week Commencing 15.6.20
A PowerPoint for this Week's Spellings
A Crossword for this Week's Spellings
A Wordsearch for this Week's Spellings
A Word Scramble for this Week's Spellings
This week's spelling activities for week commencing 8.6.20
This week we are learning words ending in -er and -ar.
This Week's Spellings for Week Commencing 8.6.20
A PowerPoint for this Week's Spellings
A Crossword on this Week's Spellings
A Word Scramble on This Week's Spellings
This week's spelling activities for week commencing 1.6.20
This week we are looking at words with the prefix non-
This Week's Spelling List for Week Commencing 1.6.20
A PowerPoint for this Week's Spellings
A Crossword for this Week's Spellings
A Wordsearch for this Week's Spellings
This week's spelling activities for week commencing 18.5.20
This week, we are learning spellings with the ex- prefix.
This Week's Spelling List for Week Commencing 18.5.20
A Crossword Puzzle for This Week's Spellings
A PowerPoint on This Week's Spellings
A Wordsearch for This Week's Spellings
Here is the classic Anglo-Saxon story of Beowulf - the tale of a hero who comes to save the Danes from the terrible monster, Grendel.
This week's Spellings (Week Commencing 11.5.20)
This week we are looking at the prefix auto-
A PowerPoint Explaining This Week's Spellings
A Crossword for This Week's Spelling
A Wordsearch for This Week's Spellings
Online Games to Practise This Week's Spellings
This Week's Spellings (Week Commencing 4.5.20)
A PowerPoint Explaining This Week's Spellings
A Crossword Puzzle For This Week's Spellings
A Wordsearch For This Week's Spellings
Writing Project for week commencing 4.5.20
This week we will be planning, drafting, writing and editing a piece of descriptive writing about our favourite sound.
For Thursday's writing task, please write up your description of your favourite sound using your plan.
Maths for week commencing 27.4.20
This week continues with decimals and makes links with fractions and money.
Click here for a link on this week's maths
Spellings for week commencing 27.4.20
This week's spelling pattern is the prefix inter- which means between. There are some tricky words this week. Please discuss them with your adults at home. There is also a list of words looking at plurals for words that end in -y, e.g. how baby becomes babies.
Spellings for week commencing 27.4.20
Powerpoint to explain Spellings
Crossword for this week's spellings
Wordsearch for this week's spellings
Maths for week commencing 20.4.20
For this week in Maths (First week of Summer term) We would continue our work on embedding the children's understanding of decimals that we introduced in the last two weeks of the Spring Term.
Click here for a link to this week's maths on consolidating decimals
Spellings for week commencing 20.4.20
This week's spelling focus is on a variety of words taken from the statutory Year 4 list from the National Curriculum. There is also another list exploring plurals of words ending in -f or -fe that change to -ves, e.g. wolves and wives.
Powerpoint exploring this week's spellings
Click here for a list of this week's spellings
If you are short of things to read, there are some classic children's books available to read on this website:
Click here for online classic children's books
Also, Audible, run by Amazon, have made children's audiobooks available free:
The National Curriculum website has provided some links to additional resources. These are not necessary but may give you a few ideas.
Click this link to see materials recommended by the National Curriculum
Here's a cool science experiment and art activity. You might want to do it after dark - or you could try to do it using the light of the sun.
Rainbow Science and Art Activity
They have made the whole website free because of the current crisis.
When you first go onto the site, you will be asked to go to their 'brand new website'. Do this and then use their free access username and password:
Username: march20
Password: home
Maths for week commencing 30.3.20
This week, we would continue with the topic of decimals and explore the link between decimals and dividing by 10 and 100.
Click here for this week's lessons on decimals and links to division
Spellings for week commencing 30.3.20
This week we continue to explore 'word families' focusing on the root words 'solve' and 'sign'. There are also some simpler spellings exploring adding -ed to verbs ending in 'y', e.g. carried.
PowerPoint exploring this week's spellings
Spelling List for Week comm 30.3.20
Spelling Crossword Answers (No Cheating)
Spellings (from last week)
We would normally start with a spelling test to check that the children have learnt the previous week's spellings. Click the link below for these.
Spellings for this week (commencing 23rd March 2020)
This week, we would be looking at word 'families' and how root words can often be used to build related words. Click the links below to find words and activities.
PowerPoint explaining spellings
Spelling list for week comm 23.3.20
Spelling Wordsearch
Spelling Crossword
Spelling Crossword answers (no cheating!)
Charlotte's Web Read by Mr S
Hello everyone. I felt bad that we never finished 'Charlotte's Web'. I'm going to read you a chapter at a time. I'm going back a bit for those children who missed the last days of school.
Charlotte's Web Chapter 16 - Off to the Fair
Charlotte's Web Chapter 17 - Uncle
Charlotte's Web Chapter 18 - The Cool of the Evening
Charlotte's Web Chapter 19 - The Egg Sac
Charlotte's Web Chapter 20 'The Hour of Triumph'
Charlotte's Web Chapter 21 'Last Day'
Charlotte's Web Chapter 22 'A Warm Wind'
Picture book stories read by author/illustrators
This website introduces you to a number of author/illustrators who read their books and then talk about the creative process. Why not start your own picture book project?
Click on this link see the videos
Maths for week commencing 23rd March 2020
Hello Year 4. Over the next two weeks of this term, we would have been introducing you to decimals. These are linked to fractions as another way of showing parts of a whole. You will have already used decimals in Year 3 when dealing with money problems.
Please click here to find decimal activities for this week.
Obviously, you can continue to use the other activities and websites previously provided but it will be useful for you to introduce yourselves properly to decimals as this is a key part of the curriculum in Year 4.
Good luck. Please use Google Classroom for any comments.
4K Guided Reading Activities - Monday 23rd March 2020.
In the possible case of the school closing, we have provided each child with a home learning pack and a set of reading books. We kindly ask that if your child is at home during term time, they complete the work set and read the books provided.
We have also set up email accounts for each child (login details have been sent out) and Google Classroom pages (email logins are needed and use this code: 4gn4uiv to access the 4J classroom and code: 24rmqud to access the 4K classroom).
We will be contacting children daily via these accounts to make sure that they are happy, healthy and safe.
Click on this link for a list of useful home-learning websites.
Click here for some suggestions of activities for your Year 4 child.