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Lakenham Primary and Nursery School






Is your child starting Nursery? Please read the Nursery  Admissions Policy.Nursery Admission policy.

The school is responsible for admissions to our Nursery for 3 and 4-year-olds. If you would like to put your name down on our waiting list please contact the school office for more information or fill in the form below.

Children start in Nursery in the term after their third birthday. There are morning and afternoon nursery sessions. If you would like a place for Nursery, please come to the school office to register your interest or complete the following online form.

Application for Nursery

Reception to Year 6

Is your child starting Reception to year 6? Please read the following:

Admissions policy - Reception to Year 6 for 2024/25

Lakenham Primary School follows the Norfolk County Council Admissions process, even though the school is a Foundation School.

Click on the links below to help you through the process:

Admission to reception classes

Moving Schools during the school year 

Norfolk County Council - School Admissions team

Admissions Room 7
County Hall
Martineau Lane Norwich

Telephone: 0344 800 8020

Fax: 01603 223722

Email:  admissions@norfolk.gov.uk

Norfolk County Council - admission arrangements

By taking a place at Lakenham Primary, home adults are agreeing for their children and themselves to uphold the school Home School Agreement and Parent and Carers Code of conduct

Starting School

 Full time education starts in Reception class in the academic year when they will be five years old. Admission to Reception is in September of each year.

We believe that settling children into school is very important and we do everything we can to make their first year at school a happy time. We have a team of experienced teachers and learning support staff who act as key workers to ensure that our provision is the best it can be.

We hold open days for prospective parents, where you can meet children and staff of the school and we can answer any questions you may have. Visits can be arranged through the school office.

Once you are offered a place at the school in the Reception group, there are a number of transition events for both children and parents. Details and dates of all the events, including transition afternoons, meetings for parents, home visits and coming to sports day, will be sent directly to your little person when they are successful in gaining a place.

All admissions (except Nursery), whether to the Reception group, if you are moving into the area, or mid-year admissions to other year groups, are organised by Norfolk County Council. If you are not moving house, starting dates are September, January and Easter only, as per County policy.

Moving schools during the school year

Moving schools during the school year - Norfolk County Council

All children starting outside of a normal starting time will have a home visit before joining the school.

Home school Agreement and Parents, Carers, Volunteers & Visitors Code of Conduct

On acceptance of a place at Lakenham Primary and Nursery School, we expect all staff, parents and children to uphold the Home School Agreement and for parents to uphold the Parents, Carers, Volunteers and Visitors Code of Conduct

If any person, child or adult, is not able to uphold this agreement, the headteacher and governors will take action to ensure that all who come into Lakenham Primary and Nursery School feel confident that they are safe and will be cared for, and that they will be given opportunities to thrive and enjoy their time with the school.


If you have not been able to gain a place for your child at Lakenham Primary School and you wish to appeal, please click on the link.

School admission appeals