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Lakenham Primary and Nursery School





We also provide a wide range of after school and lunchtime activities and clubs including Street Dance, Diversity club, Football etc. Clubs are often seasonal and can sometimes be weather dependent.

This year we have offered:

Autumn - 

Netball, Mulit-sports, Photography, Art, Cookery, Girls football, Street Dance, Nature School, Diversity Club, CALM and Choir

Spring - Art, Cookery, Girls football, Street dance, Nature School, Choir, Badminton, Print Club, CALM and Boys football

Summer - gardening, art, cookery, girls and boys football, nature school, choir, CALM, 

We make a small charge for participation £5, £3 for Pupil Premium children in all clubs to ensure that they are sustainable and to encourage commitment.

If payment for clubs is not paid regularly and not kept up to date, your child's place within clubs will be withdrawn.