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Lakenham Primary and Nursery School




Geography EYFS

Geography in Reception is part of Understanding the World in the EYFS. This begins our enquiry into the world around us.



We have opportunities to discuss and explore ‘geographical’ events, i.e. journeys locally, where children go to visit friends and relatives, shopping, the park and places children might visit in the UK and abroad


Children learn about seasons and the weather

We begin to understand that there are different types of environment, e.g. land and water/sea, urban and rural, farmland and woods, seaside, hot and cold, dry and wet, in the UK and elsewhere in the World.

We communicate understanding of how environments might vary from one to another and know about similarities and differences in relation to places.

We participate in local walks to explore their immediate environment.
Understand the importance of looking after environments and living things.
Encouraged to explore key aspects of the school’s catchment area, e.g. the mix in its local population, various leisure and social interests, different environments, buildings, types of transport used.

During the spring and summer, observe life cycles, e.g. of frogs, butterflies, plants, etc. to describe and draw the changes over time.