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Lakenham Primary and Nursery School






Our Governors


Lakenham Primary School has an experienced and committed Governing Body. They monitor the performance of the school, providing support to ensure that every child receives a quality education. They work in partnership with the Headteacher, who is responsible for the day-to-day management of the school. All Lakenham Primary School there are 9 governors + 1 staff member (co-opted):

  • 2 parent governors - who are elected by other parents at the school
  • 1 Headteacher governor
  • 1 staff member elected by their colleagues
  • 3 co-opted governors - members of the local community 
  • 2 foundation governors 
  • 1 Local authority governor

Our School Governance Statement:

The Governing Body actively promotes effective spiritual, moral, social and cultural development alongside inspiring teaching to provide a learning environment where pupils love to learn. The Governing Body of Lakenham Primary School has members who support the school in its strategic direction through acting as a ‘critical friend’. School Governors are members of the school’s Governing Body, they have responsibility for raising school standards through their three key roles of:

  • setting the strategic direction
  • ensuring accountability for financial spending and
  • monitoring and evaluating school performance.

Governors are the largest volunteer force in the country.


Constitution - Lakenham Primary 

 Constitution updated May 2024

 Who can become a school governor?

All types of people can become school governors. There are no special qualifications required, but you must be 18 or over on the date  when elected or appointed. Enthusiasm, commitment and an interest in education are the most important qualities. If you are a Parent Governor, you will not just be thinking about your own children but all the children and the longterm future of the school. However, to be a Governor, you do not need to have a child at the school or even know anyone in the school, just a desire to be involved with our school, to help it become the best it can be. All Governors are expected to have a clear DBS(Disclosure and Barring Service – this used to be known as a CRB, Criminal Records Bureau) before they become a school governor. We would like people who represent the diversity of the school community to join the school governing board when there are vacancies.

Structure and responsibilities of the governing board

The full Governing Body meet half termly. As strategic leaders, they monitor the monitoring of the people who are undertaking the operational roles in school by they visiting to ask questions to review, challenge and evaluate different areas of the schools provision.

There are no committees.

  • Our chair of governors is Anne Gibson, who is a very experienced Chair of Governors. She works as a consultant across the country.
  • Our Safeguarding governor and Vice Chair, Bruce Middlemas, who has been making sure the school meets all statutory and legal requirements for keeping children safe. 
  • Our Pupil Premium, Sports Premium, GDPR and finance governor, Titus Adam, who has been making sure the schools additional funding is being well spent. Titus works in finance for Norfolk County Council, so brings a wealth of knowledge with him.

  • Tom Sandland is responsible for looking at attendance and finance. Tom was an accountant and is currently training to be a secondary maths teacher.

  • Katharine Day keeps a check on Health & Safety and until recently worked in this field at the UEA.
  • Our Data Analysis, Curriculum, EYFS and Maths governor, Anna Hogg, who has met with the Teaching and Learning leads in order to understand progress and attainment being made by the children throughout the school. As an advisor for county, we are very lucky to have someone who previously worked with us on secondment as an AHT, re-join us as a governor.

  • Olivia Sumpter, is a fantastic curriculum lead, who previously worked as an English teacher at a High School and now runs her own company looking at curriculum, in particular language. What a fantastic addition to our team!
  • The school currently has 2 vacancies for governors - 1 Local Authority Governor and 1 Foundation Governor. Please contact the office if you would be interested in joining the school on its journey.

Governors Code of Conduct 

Click here to see the Governors Code of Conduct

Declaration of Interest

Governor Declarations of Interest

Historical members

Historical members

Governor attendance

Attendance 2022/2023

Attendance 2021/2022

Register of business interests

declarations lakenhamprimary.pdf

 Board Diversity

The board is seeking to make the board more diverse to represent the school community.

There are no governors who have a material interest from relations between governors or relationships between governors and school staff (including spouses, partners and close relatives).