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Lakenham Primary and Nursery School




MFL Year 5


Food and Preferences

At the beginning of the Autumn term, Year 5 continued learning all about food in French which they started in Year 4. We begun forming sentences to express their food preferences including food they love and food they hate. They then used what they had learned about food and preferences to create their own comic strip.


A cartoon showing food preferences.


All Around the House

In the second part of the Autumn term, Year 5 started learning furniture and rooms in the house before moving onto prepositions in order to locate items and possessive pronouns to talk about things that they and the people in their family have at home. We discovered that there are different possessive pronouns for 'my' and that these change according to the gender of the noun, not the person it belongs to. At the end of the topic, we then drew our own houses or designed our own, before describing it in French using all of the knowledge we had acquired from this and previous topics. We did a great job!




This term, we have begun learning how to name school equipment in French. We are applying our use of possessive pronouns and prepositions from our last topic to help locate these items.