Local Events
Events at the Jubilee Community Centre-
5th Ansar Norwich Cubs meet on a Friday 4.30 -6.00pm term time only.
5th Ansar Norwich Scouts meet on a Monday 5.45 -7.00pm term time only.
Juggling class 6.00 - 8.00pm on a Tuesday .
Sit fit class for over 65s 2.00 3.45pm on Wednesday run by Age UK Norwich.
The Benjamin Foundation run a Young Carer's group 6.30 - 8.00pmon a Wednesday evening.
Positive Pups Dog training 7.00 9.00pm on a Thursday evening.
The Bridge fellowship hire on a Sunday from 1.00 -3.00pm they are a faith group.
We have a Community Cafe for the over 65s on the 1st Tuesday of every month between 1.00 - 3.00pm this is run by Corton House.