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Lakenham Primary and Nursery School







Nursery Home Learning

Week Commencing 13th July 2020

Our final week at Nursery!

This is normally one of my favourite but also one of the saddest weeks of the year. I love this week at Nursery as we often have lots of celebrations including our big water fight but it also makes me sad because it reminds me how quickly the year has gone and how grown up the children have become. It has been a very different year for all of us at Lakenham and I am grateful for all the hard work and support you as parents have given the children at home.

We are still developing as an EYFS setting so you may find that when you return the environment looks a little different. We hope to be able to share images of these with you before you start your next year so keep an eye on your emails over the summer. We are aiming to create an environment that is calming, homely and curious for our children and therefore will be collecting lots of “bits”. If you as parents have anything at home you are considering getting rid of, please feel free to offer to us in Nursery or Reception. This could include lamps, pots and pans, mugs, dress jewellery, boxes, tins, unused decorations etc. anything at all- we like to reuse and recycle!

I hope that each and everyone of you has a lovely summer. Remember to stay safe and continue your social distancing (following guidance) but most of all have fun! Enjoy, explore, experience. Thankyou so much once again, this is not goodbye just see you soon.

Take care,

Miss Bell, Miss Burman, Miss Betteridge, Mrs Emmerson.

Story of the Week

Our final story is about going on an adventure- here is Mrs Emmerson reading "We're going on a bear hunt" By Michael Rosen


  • Make your own story – We’re going to the beach/ We’re going on the train. Use the structure from the story and create a story map that represents your own story. Think about somewhere you might visit over the summer and how you would get there, what you might encounter etc.
  • Pretend you are going on holiday – Choose anywhere you would like to go, you will need a passport though! Use the temple provided to make your own passport.


-You will also need to pack a suitcase- write a list using pictures to record what you will need to pack. DON’T FORGET YOUR TOOTHBRUSH!


  • Using the timetable for flights provided, talk about time. Using a 24hr clock or watch talk about the concept of time with your child. Find out what they know about the clock or watch. Do they know its to tell the time? Ask questions like: I wonder what this is used for? I wonder how it works? What are the numbers for? What are the lines that go round (hands) called? What do they do? What do we use time for?

-Think about what routines you do during the day and when you do them. E.g When do we have breakfast? When do we go to school?

-Use the timetable of flights and link to times of the day  - morning, lunch time, afternoon, dinner time, evening, night time etc.


  • Make a picnic – We are going to have a picnic outside this week but first you need to make the food. Decide with your family what food you will have and get the children to help you. With whatever you make try and focus on the concept of half. Explain that if you cut something in half it needs to have two equal pieces. You can cut something in two but if its not the same size, its not half. You might try this with pizza, sandwiches, cucumber, amounts of crisps etc.


  • Now you have a few different sounds that you have looked at you can play a game with these sounds. Its important to only use sounds that we have looked at.

-Collect an assortment of objects beginning with 's' and 'a' sounds. Again these could be pictures or real objects. Make a space for two different piles. You can do this using hoops or drawing two circle on the floor with chalk. One for 's' objects and one for 'a’ objects.

 -Encourage your child to sort the objects into the correct groups -does it begin with ‘s' or 'a' sound?

  • Copy Me – In pairs, take it in turns to make a rhythm using your body (pat knees, tummies, heads and clamps and stamps too) and see if the other player can copy.
  • Odd one out – collect an assortment of objects that rhyme (hat, cat, mat, rat, / rock, clock, sock) and find other random objects that sound completely different. Lay out three objects (two that rhyme, and one that sounds completely different) name the objects as you lay them down and explain to the player that they need to find the one that does not rhyme (doesn’t sound the same at the end)

Communication and Language

  • Play in my bag I packed: This is a memory game. Each player starts their turn with ”in my bag I packed…” and they select an item to add to their bag. After the first person has had their turn, the second person must start with “in my bag I packed” but remember what the person before them added and then add their own item. This then continues with each persons turn until someone forgets an item.

 Role Play

  • Set up an airport experience and plane. Here are some examples to help you. You will need: Table/ Cardboard box (pretend computer) , chairs,  paper (make your own labels for suitcases), chairs for airplane. This can be really simple and does not have to take too many resources.


  • Pack a suitcase or bag with all the things you might need to go on holiday. Use the list you have already made.


We have done so much home learning, to stop this page getting too long we have moved some here.