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Lakenham Primary and Nursery School




Queries & Concerns

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We want to work as closely as possible with all our families. The school runs a number of open days, parent forums and if you have any queries or concerns there are people to help. A member of the pastoral team is available on the middle big gates near the playground at drop off and pick up each day. A member of the wider senior leadership team will also be available on the front gates in the morning and afternoon, this will usually include Mrs Williams and/or Miss Hart. Please talk to one of these people if you have a query that could be answered straight away, or if you spot something that they need to know about. 

Steps for a query or concern

The teachers are available to meet up with at the beginning of the day and at pick up. However, if you have a longer question please ring or go to the office to make an appointment to meet them - on the phone, virtually or where possible in person. Please let the office staff know what you would like to talk about, then the teacher will be able to get as much information prepared for the meeting beforehand. There will be times that the teachers will need to get together information so a meeting might not be able to happen on the same day but they will get back to you as soon as possible.

If you have a query the steps are:

1. Meet the teacher – in person, virtually or where possible in person by an appointment (as above)

2. If you have met the teacher and you don’t feel that your query or concern has been resolved then make an appointment with the deputy headteacher - Miss Hart or assistant headteacher - Miss Jess Morrison.

3. If you have met with the teacher, a deputy head and you don’t feel your query or concern has been resolved then make an appointment with Mrs Williams (Headteacher).

4. An investigation takes time, so please let the school investigate and get back to you. If when you re-meet with school staff they haven't undertaken an investigation or after going through steps 1 to 3 and your query or concern hasn't been answered. Then the next step is to write your concerns following the school Complaints procedure  using the following Clarification of concern form. However, the Complaints procedure cannot start unless you have followed steps 1 to 2.

Please remember that the school can only help and resolve areas that are known about. If children don’t tell anyone at school that there is a problem then it is impossible to resolve.

Members of staff expect to be spoken to in a polite manner and not be shouted at or verbally abused. They will stop a conversation if a parent is not following expectations.

Parents don’t have a right to be on the school site, that is given by the Headteacher and it can be removed if parents are not following these expectations.

We look forward to very positive working relationships between parents and school staff. We ask that you help us with this as well and thank you to those who always do this.

To help parents, carers and visitors understand what we expect of parents please read the Parent, Carers and Visitors Code of Conduct.

Home School Agreement

Lakenham Primary School is committed to dealing with all complaints fairly and impartially, and to providing a high quality service to those who complain. We will not normally limit the contact complainants have with our school. However, we do not expect our staff to tolerate unacceptable behaviour and will take action to protect staff from that behaviour, including that which is abusive, offensive or threatening. Within the complaints procedure, there is a section on serial complaints.