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Lakenham Primary and Nursery School




Reception Home Learning

Week beginning 20th July
Monday 20th July 2020
This is our last week of reception so we want to know about your favourite things from your first year at school. Please tell us something you enjoyed learning during our time at school and something you enjoyed from your home learning. You might choose to upload a video clip, write a list, draw a picture, sing a song or show us another way! We would love to see how you show us the best things from your first year of school. Have a look on google classroom to see what the reception team enjoyed the most.

Tuesday 21 st July 2020
On our last day of school, we want to think about what we are most looking forward to in year one. Have a look on google classroom to see what the year one team are excited about. Mrs Hawthorne and Miss Pantry have been busy planning your learning for year one, what would you like to learn about? Tell us what you are looking forward to in year one. The children in school last week started planning their year one classrooms so some of their ideas have been incorporated! What would you like your year one classroom to look like? We will add photos of the year one classrooms onto google classrooms today so you can have a look but we would love some of your ideas to make it your own. You may like to draw or paint a picture, make a plan of your perfect classroom or write a list of what you think should be in the classroom. We want your help to make year one great!

Summer holiday project
The year one team would like you to complete the attached booklet about you. We will be making a class books in each year one class so we can find out all about each other. Your pages will form part of the class book so we can all find out about each other and get to know everyone in our new classes. Even the adults will complete it! Please bring this to school in your book bag on your first day back to school.

all about me booklet 2020.pdf

All of the reception team would like to say how much we have enjoyed working with you this year and wish you lots of fun and success in year one! Miss Bugden, Mrs Faustino and Miss Bright are looking forward to hearing how you get on in year one, Mrs Hawthorne and Miss Ballett are so excited to be continuing your learning in year one with you, Miss Pantry and Mrs Cawdery can’t wait to get to know you.

We hope you have a fantastic Summer break and look forward to seeing all of you back in school on 7th September 2020 to begin your year one adventures.
Week beginning 13th July 2020


Friday 17th July


In your pack you have a ‘Find and Count’ sheet and a pictogram. For each creature that you find, could you colour a box on the pictogram? Once you’ve finished, talk to your adult about what you can see on your pictogram. You could use the language of ‘most, least, equal, pattern.’

Can you create your own ocean or rock pool collage by cutting/ripping and sticking paper? If you don’t have any glue then can you draw an underwater scene? What creatures will you include?



Can you describe the shells below using interesting words? Can you write some of these words? If you would like a challenge then you could write a simile e.g. ‘The shell is as spiky as….’, ‘The shell is as big as…’, ‘The shell is as smooth as…’ If you can think of a few similes then you could create your own sea shell poem!


Can you read these sentences?






We have done so much home learning, to stop this page getting too long we have moved some here.