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Lakenham Primary and Nursery School




School Day

Before School and After School Care

Before School Care: 

Monday to Friday 7.30am to 8.45am.

After School Care:

Monday to Thursday - 3.30pm to 6:00pm

Friday - 3.30pm to 5pm


We also have a variety of clubs which run after school and finish at 4:30pm. There is a small charge if you wish your child to attend. If your child is eligible for Pupil Premium funding, then the cost may be subsidised.

The School Day

Gate opens - 8.45am

School starts at 9am each day

School ends at 3.30pm each day

Lunchtime is 1 hour long.

The school day is 6 hours and 30 minutes per day

The school week is 32 hours and 30 minutes per week.

All children enter the school by the double gate to the right of the main office.


During the morning the teacher will decide when the class needs a break to ensure the maximum level of focus for learning. This might mean that children have more than one break some mornings if this means that the best conditions for learning can be made, the total time will be no more than 15 minutes. Some days there will be no break.

Children in Reception and Year 1 only break if necessary, so they can continue developing their ideas and the learning through play. It can take up to 45 minutes for children to have deep learning happening and if they were to pack up just as this was happening, learning opportunities would be lost. This is something we try to avoid.


Assembly takes place in the afternoon, the large majority of these are being held virtually.

End of the day

The front gates will open for parents at about 3.25pm which allows parents to have a quick chat after school. When the children have been collected after school, we ask that parents leave the site as soon as possible and not have their children playing on any equipment. Your children are your responsibility after school and we would not want any accidents because parents are having a chat and not looking after their own children. The school gates will be locked at 3.40pm. This allows the staff to know that the school is then a safe site, that all children (unless they are in a club) have gone home and keeps the children who remain in clubs safe at school. 

If children are not picked up by 3.40pm, they will go into after school club, which has a charge.

Office opening hours

The office is open from 8am till 4pm. The school answering phone is on outside of this time. Messages are also able to be sent through the school App.