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Lakenham Primary and Nursery School




Vision, Values & Ethos

Lakenham is a different school than the majority of schools in the country. We are a child- centred school which has wellbeing at the core of everything that happens. The learning opportunities enable children to be creative, to think deeply and to challenge. We don't know what jobs the children will have in the future, so we need to ensure we help develop within them the skills and attitudes to adapt where needed. We believe that every young person should experience the world beyond the classroom as an essential part of learning and personal development, whatever their age, ability or circumstances.  Wherever possible, the children enhance their learning by learning outside the classroom.We want everyone at the school to:

 "Enjoy, Aspire, Achieve"

Enjoy what they are doing at school in the classroom or in the outdoor environment, visits beyond the school and in different environments; but also during the school day or during break times. When children enjoy and are in inspired in what they are doing, they will try their absolute best to improve.

Aspire to be the best each individual they can be. We want children to aim higher than they ever thought they could aim, to make themselves and others proud of what they can do, to become the best possible person that they can be, academically, socially and morally from their starting point.

Achieve the highest possible results for each child by understanding where they start and ensuring that a rigorous approach to learning and assessment is undertaken by all staff. The motto of “try our best, do our best and be our best” runs throughout everything the school community does.

The whole Lakenham community work together to create a happy and productive space, where we encourage a “Team Lakenham” spirit. Excellent behaviour and mutual respect are at the core of our aims and values between the children, families and staff at the school.  Lakenham Primary is a school where everybody strives to provide the best opportunities for each child and everyone who enters our school.

The school rules of Ready, Respectful and Safe ensure that children can understand the value of self-worth and the importance that they place in the community being successful.