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Lakenham Primary and Nursery School




Year 5 Home Learning


Hello and welcome back to school. We are going to be continuing our lessons on Google Classroom. It has been good to see so many of you visiting this daily.

We have two new teachers in the year group: Mrs Hales and Mr Fiddy, who are looking forward to meeting you soon, but in the meantime will be setting work online for you to complete. If you want to find out more about them, visit Google classrooms where they have both written you a letter telling you about themselves.


If you do visit the Google classrooms, do remember to mark your work as ‘handed in’ or use the ‘class comments’ feature to talk to us.


Don’t forget to collect your packs, which contain your guided reading books and other things to do. These are in the main entrance of the school. Let us know anything you have been getting up to along with any other work you have been doing at home, by logging into the classrooms.

In addition to the fun tasks which we are setting for you, we recommend that you look at the BBC Home Learning site, where you will find daily lessons for English and Maths with fun films, activities and quizzes. Here is a link to the Year 5 lessons


We hope to see you soon, but in the meantime stay safe and well

Ms Connell, Mr Fiddy and Mrs Hales



Here is a brilliant opportunity – Free stories for children to listen to.

Audible have announced:

For as long as schools are closed, we're open. Starting today, kids everywhere can instantly stream an incredible collection of stories, including titles across six different languages, that will help them continue dreaming, learning, and just being kids.
All stories are free to stream on your desktop, laptop, phone or tablet.

The link to this page is below



All children in Year 5 have received a learning pack to enable children to continue learning at home. In each pack there are a range of activities for the children to complete. If you have not received your pack, they are ready to be collected from the school office. 

Children have all been invited to use Google Classroom, where work will be set daily. Children will need to check this regularly and complete the work set.  If you are unsure of the task set, please chat with your class teacher using Google Classroom. This will be checked frequently by the class teacher. 

We would expect that children are completing a Maths activity, English activity, Guided Reading task and a topic activity daily. 

Below is a list of websites that are useful for home learning. 












Miss Connell