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Lakenham Primary and Nursery School




Census 2021

Year 6

Year 6 completed a 2 week project to learn about the Census.

First of all, we researched what the Census is and and why we do it:

scan 1170 merged.pdf

We then went on to become Census detectives using the resources from the National Archives: 


We were amazed to see that even the Queen must fill out the Census!

 The Census is really important in helping the Government plan for the next 10 years. These plans will include the very current topic of the NHS. To further understand the needs of the NHS, we researched it's history and created a biography about important individuals who have helped to shape medicine, including Edward Jenner, Florence Nightengale and Mary Seacole.


We also looked into how England has become more diverse, through investigating reasons for the diversification and how it has been recorded more effectively within the Census through recording nationality, place of birth and ethnicity. We also looked at reasons why Britain has become more diverse, exploring the British Empire and particular the Lascars:


Once we had a good understanding of what the Census was, we went on to create our own school Census, working as a team to come up with 10 questions which we thought we really important to use in school. We used Google Forms to create our own anonymous Census, then presented the data from this in a variety of ways.

billy s census information presenting data.pdf


Once we collected our data, we used this to begin lobbying Mrs Williams, writing persuasively and trying to convince her to change an aspect of school life. 

We also thought it was important to educate the local area about the importance of the census. To do this, we have created our own advertising campaigns which included: an informative poster, a letter or flyer and a radio or TV advert explaining why people should take part in the census. 

fill in the census 2 merged.pdf




Year 2

Year 2 also conducted our our census. You can find out what they did by following the below link:

Year 2 Census