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Lakenham Primary and Nursery School




Learning Outside the Classroom


 We believe that every young person should experience the world beyond the classroom as an essential part of learning and personal development, whatever their age, ability or circumstances. At Lakenham learning can happen everywhere, from our Nature School area, atrium enquiry space and educational visits.

Nature School & Growing

Atrium Enquiry space

Our curriculum  is linked so that all subjects such as history, geography, RE, Philosophy and DT lessons come alive for our learners. We nurture our children’s social and emotional development, both within our PSHE lessons, and with our variety of extended learning trips. Children have many experiences beyond the school, such as going on residentials, to the theatre, visiting local attractions and Nature areas and taking part in activities at our local high schools.

The school has been awarded a Bronze Learning Outside the Classroom Mark for the quality and extensive nature of the activities offered to the children. Field trips and visits to places of educational interest are an integral part of our curriculum, as we believe children learn better through first hand experiences that extend and enhance their learning. All educational visits are planned in advance and are properly supervised, well organized and safe.  We want all children to understand the wider world outside of Lakenham and Norfolk.

Whilst at Lakenham, children will experience visits to museums, local galleries, local nature areas, places of worship, the theatre (including Norwich puppet theatre), and restaurants to try food indigenous to other parts of the world.

The school does not have sufficient funds to fully subsidise outings, so we have to rely on voluntary contributions, and there may be cancellations if insufficient funds are raised. However, if your family income means that your children are entitled to the disadvantaged fund (Free School Meals), then there is support available. 

Progression of Skills in Learning Outside The Classroom

Below is a link to the LOTC Skills Progression.

Progression of Skills in Learning Outside The Classroom

Intent, Implementation and Impact


Children at Lakenham Primary School have the opportunity to learn outdoors at least once a week, enriching their schooling by giving them varied and inclusive learning opportunities and experiences. We will:

  • Provide opportunities to internalise, recall and enrich learning from the enquiry taught in each year group.
  • Allow children to experience, connect and interact with the natural world through awe and wonder. 
  • Support children to become healthy both in body and mind.
  • Give the children a broad curriculum where they are able to experience parts of their enquiry which couldn't be taught indoors. 
  • Focus on the characteristics of effective learning such as motivation, engagement and thinking. Give them the opportunity to build resilience, develop their own ideas and have a go. 


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  • Learning outside the classroom sessions are sequential even though they are only once a week. 
  • Sessions are taught inline with the year groups enquiry focus.
  • The specific outdoor learning skills are taught through enquiry. For example whilst year three’s enquiry focuses on The Stone Age the children will learn a specific knot in order to tie their string on to their bow and will be taught about fire lighting. 
  • Lots of sessions involve either partner work or group work which gives children the opportunity to improve on their teamwork skills.
  • Children are given ample opportunities to take risks. This is mostly in a physical sense be it whittling with a knife or helping to light the fire.
  • National curriculum objectives for core subjects are also considered when planning and teaching. This is usually in a practical way giving the children the opportunity to apply their knowledge through problem solving. For example 


  • Children will become more confident and able in the classroom across all subjects.
  • Children are happier to approach challenge. Children choose to play outside more often and are healthier both physically and mentally as a result.
  • Children develop into advocates for environmental issues.  They are more knowledgeable and enthusiastic about nature.