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Lakenham Primary and Nursery School




Norwich Priority Area (NPA)

Since 2022, the Opportunity Area became the Priority Area with schools in Norwich gaining extra funding.

The focus for the Priority Area is to raise standards in writing across the school, with the support of internationally recognised experts in this area. 

Norwich Opportunity Area 2018 to 2022

The Norwich Opportunity Area was launched by the government to raise education standards locally, providing every child and young person in the area with the chance to reach their full potential in life.

Lakenham Primary have been fully involved since September 2018, taking every opportunity available. The staff and children of Lakenham are thankful to the Department of Education for choosing Norwich. 

During the involvement with NOA, the school has been able to access well in access of £230,000 for grants, training costs covered and resources to support.

Communication champions 

  • Staff trained to be communication champions
  • school is now a Communication Champion hub school
  • support to fund transformation of Early years outdoor play area to become more communication friendly

Evidence based research projects

  • Staff trained to lead this; NOA paid for a Research lead for two years (Jude Twani)
  • Wellbeing and Involvement - Leuven Scales and support to improve the Learning environments

Transition project 

Mental Health 


  • enhanced provision and training for improved behaviour strategies, including school was able to meet the Pivotal School expectation for training, support and embedding
  • Inclusion Champions Network and support for a member of staff to be out of class 1 day per week for two years to establish strategies and support staff to be successful
  • Being a successful member of the NOA Inclusion Charter

Online Remote Learning Champion - very helpful during COVID

Essential Life Skills Fund

  • Supported Prince William Award and then Scouts to work with groups of children after school.

Primary World of Work - visits and information from companies to inspire children to think bigger about their futures.

Headteacher involved in the Primary Headteachers Strategic Group

 There is much more that being a Norwich Opportunity Area primary school has added to our school. We are very thankful for this.