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Lakenham Primary and Nursery School




Year 6 Home Learning


There continued to be some fantastic work completed again last week; especially when you all designed your superheros and where they live. Really impressed with you all - keep it up!

Work for this week :)

You will be able to find all of the daily work in the folders with the day's date on it. 

There will be tasks which we have set daily, and ones which are to do throughout the week (these will take slightly longer so we don’t expect them to be completed on the first day!)
You might want to structure your day like school and complete the daily work in the morning and spend your afternoons working on the longer, project based activities.

Daily work:
1. Guided reading.
We will be continuing with the book; ‘Mayan Mystery’. Work will be set daily for this which should be completed each day. This book will help us when we hopefully return to school.
2. Maths.
a. You should complete what we have set from the CGP books each day (these are
only meant to take 10 minutes).
b. There will be a powerpoint uploaded each day which will have an explanation of
what to do and questions on it. Answers have been uploaded for you as well.
3. English.
a. Complete what we have set from the CGP Reading books each day (these are only meant to take 10 minutes).
b. Complete what we have set from the CGP Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling books each day (these are only meant to take 10 minutes).
c. Carry on with your Superhero work.
d. Make sure your reading journal/diary is up to date.

Weekly work (project style) due Friday 8th May:

We would like you all to look at Dan Snow's VE day challenge and complete something for VE day. This is your choice:


Half termly – not due until half term:
1. Toilet roll challenge; take your time over this – make a masterpiece!

If you have any questions about Google Classroom or any of the work set, cannot access Google Classroom, have lost passwords etc. please get in contact with the school or your teacher and we will do what we can to help. Your teachers are available on their emails.

Miss Sadler and Mrs Hall


There was some fantastic work completed last week. Really impressed with you all - keep it up!

Work for this week :)

You will be able to find all of the daily work in the folders with the day's date on it. 

There will be tasks which we have set daily, and ones which are to do throughout the week (these will take slightly longer so we don’t expect them to be completed on the first day!)
You might want to structure your day like school and complete the daily work in the morning and spend your afternoons working on the longer, project based activities.

Daily work:
1. Guided reading.
We will be continuing with the book; ‘Mayan Mystery’. Work will be set daily for this which should be completed each day. This book will help us when we hopefully return to school.
2. Maths.
a. You should complete what I have set from the CGP books each day (these are
only meant to take 10 minutes).
b. There will be a powerpoint uploaded each day which will have an explanation of
what to do and questions on it. Answers have been uploaded for you as well.
3. English.
a. Complete what I have set from the CGP Reading books each day (these are only
meant to take 10 minutes).
b. Complete what I have set from the CGP Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling books each day (these are only meant to take 10 minutes).
c. You will find some planning set to begin a superhero story. Take this slow. We will be planning bit by bit.
d. Get up to date with Journey to the River Sea - we might start a new book this week.
e. Make sure your reading journal/diary is up to date.

Weekly work (project style) due Friday 1st May:
There will be some topic work set on Darwin.

Half termly – not due until half term:
1. Toilet roll challenge; take your time over this – make a masterpiece!

If you have any questions about Google Classroom or any of the work set, cannot access Google Classroom, have lost passwords etc. please get in contact with the school or your teacher and we will do what we can to help. Your teachers are available on their emails.

Miss Sadler and Mrs Hall



Happy Easter and welcome back to your e-learning!

We have updated Google Classroom with your work for this week.


There will be tasks which are set daily, and ones which are to do throughout the week (these will take slightly longer so we don’t expect them to be completed on the first day!)
You might want to structure your day like school and complete the daily work in the morning and spend your afternoons working on the longer, project based activities.

Daily work:

1. Guided reading.
We have started us on a new book; ‘Mayan Mystery’. Work will be set daily for this which should be completed each day. This book will help us when we hopefully return to school.
2. Maths.
a. You should complete what we have set from the CGP books each day (these are
only meant to take 10 minutes).
b. There will be a powerpoint uploaded each day which will have an explanation of
what to do and questions on it. Answers have been uploaded for you as well.
3. English.
a. Complete what we have set from the CGP Reading books each day (these are only meant to take 10 minutes).
b. Complete what we have set from the CGP Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling books each day (these are only meant to take 10 minutes).
c. Keep up to date with Journey to the River Sea (6N only).
d. Make sure your reading journal/dairy is up to date.

Weekly work (project style) due Friday 24th April:
1. Science.
Read through the Powerpoint on the ‘classwork’ tab on Google Classrooms. Complete the activities on the powerpoint. This is all about keeping a healthy diet and exercise regime.
2. History and art (topic).
Look through the list of animals which we have provided. This is what Darwin discovered while he was in Rio. Create some sketches of the animals and classify them like we learned in science.

Half termly – not due until half term:
1. Toilet roll challenge; take your time over this – make a masterpiece!

If you have any questions about Google Classroom or any of the work set, cannot access Google Classroom, have lost passwords etc. please get in contact with the school or your teacher and we will do what we can to help.

Miss Sadler and Mrs Hall


We have done so much home learning, to stop this page getting too long we have moved some here.